Jenis Alat : Bedside Monitor/Bed-patient monitor/Patient monitor/Vitalsign Monitor
Tipe:PRIZM 5 - With Printer
Harga:27.289.000 (Rp)
Made in:South Korea
FDA Compliance: -tidak-
CE Compliance: YA

Brochure: Download here
SOP/SMP : -not available-
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Informasi Jenis Alat
Kode Alat:10901002
Keterangan:A bed-patient monitor is a battery-powered device placed under a mattress and used to indicate by an alarm or other signal when a patient attempts to leave the bed.
Nomenklatur:0901 - Peralatan RSUP Pemantauan
0901002 - Bed-patient monitor
Informasi Vendor Penyedia
Nama Perusahaan: Bintang Sarana Medika, PT
Alamat :Komplek Rukan Medikal E/2, Jl. Raya Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit-Jakarta 13450
Kontak Person:Putra Ramadhan
Telp/Email:021-22844141,8643613, 0812 1339 0600/
Alamat Web:
Izin PAK:HK.02.06/VI/449/2016
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