Jenis Alat : Kursi roda
Merk : MAK
Harga:2.409.100 (Rp)
Made in:Indonesia
FDA Compliance: YA
CE Compliance: YA

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Informasi Jenis Alat
Kode Alat:11402026
Keterangan:A mechanical wheelchair is a manually operated device with wheels that is intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position.
Nomenklatur:1402 - Peralatan Kesehatan Fisik Prostetik
1402033 - Mechanical wheelchair
Informasi Vendor Penyedia
Nama Perusahaan: PT Mega Andalan Kalasan
Alamat :Rasuna Office Park Suite SO-02 Komplek Epicentrum, H. R. 12960, Jl. HR Rasuna Said
Kontak Person:Surya 0818833544
Telp/Email:(021) 83700555/
Alamat Web:
Izin PAK:HK.02.06.Alkes/IV/197/AK.2/2015
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